About Craig Dawson
Craig’s trail training began in the late 70’s when he attended City College of San Francisco and received an AS in Landscape Design & Construction. He developed a love for hiking, Mtn biking and trail running leading to volunteering on trail projects. He formalized his training 2004 with the Trail Center, followed by two seasons with the Tahoe Rim Trail Association (TRTA). In 2006 he co-founded the Sutro Stewards program and received permission to restore the century-old trail, now part of the Bay Area Ridge Trail route through San Francisco. As Executive Director of the Sutro Stewards he used his training to oversee development of a 5.5-mile-long network of multi-use trails on Mount Sutro.
Craig has contributed his knowledge and sweat to other organizations including VOCAL leading crews in San Francisco, Sonoma, Marin, and the East Bay, and with the SF Rec and Park Dept. he helped to open the 17-acre Interior Greenbelt, and on development of the Philosophers Walk in McLaren Park. As the Senior Program Advisor to the Sutro Stewards, Craig continues to run the Crew Leader Training Program, remains an avid runner, cyclist, hiker, and community activist committed to advancing environmental education and building trails that link communities to nature.